By Richard Sison | 2015![]() INTRODUCTION Water immersion is one of the ordinances that the L-RD gave to His “Ekklesia” (Matt 28:18-20). Several denominations among Christians have different practices but the Baptists (and others who practice the same method of baptism) come the closest to the Biblical way because they do full-body immersion. The question is, “How close are we really to the practices of the early believers?” Practices of the early believers with regards to baptism were more elaborate than what appears to be simpler method as stated in the New Testament. Let me state the practices of early believers in first and second centuries. The outline here was based on the full account of Hippolytus’ Apostolic Tradition with support from Tertullian and other ancient writings: A. PRELIMINARIES a. Catechumenate -3 years were spent as “hearers of the Word” before baptism but character and not length of time was given with more importance. b. Scrutiny – The candidate’s life was “examined” and believers who brought him have to testify to his manner of life. c. Preparations – 2-3 days before the baptism, the candidate bathed thoroughly and spent the next two days fasting, praying and confessing one`s sins and spent a night of vigil of Scripture reading and instructions. The candidate also went through ceremony by a bishop to drive out any demons (I would assume this is similar to the bondage breaker). The preferred times of baptism according to Baptism were Passover and Pentecost. Record also showed that even the one who administers the baptism and those with them fasted with the candidates as well. B. PRE-BAPTISMAL LITURGY a. Blessing the water. A prayer or liturgy was uttered to sanctify the water for baptism. They would also use running water, i.e., thus the phrase ``living water`` and were consistent with the practices of the Qumranic Jewish community during the first century. b. Renunciation of Satan. The candidate had to verbally renounce satan and his works. c. Anointing with Oil. The candidate was anointed with oil before baptism to make any evil spirit to depart from the person. C. BAPTISM PROPER a. Confession of Faith. The candidate was required to verbally acknowledge his/her belief to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. b. Immersion. The candidate shall be immersed and in many records (Tertullian, Hippolytus, etc) was immersed 3 times. Possible explanation refers to the influence of the Triune formula in Matt 28. The administrator’s hand rested on the candidate’s head and after each confession plunges it beneath the water. c. Anointing with Oil of Thanksgiving. This was done by a congregational leader as soon as the one baptized emerged from the water. He then dried himself, put on his clothes, and was led into the assembly. D. POST-BAPTISMAL LITURGY a. Laying on of hands and second anointing. The leader laid a hand on the newly-baptized person’s head, prayed, poured oil on his head and “signed him”. b. Kiss of Peace and communal meal. The kiss was a sign of fellowship and brotherly love. The newly baptized person was given bread and a cup of the fruit of the vine and a cup of water and milk mixed with honey. This symbolized entrance into Canaan, the promise land. The practices of baptism of the second and third century believers appeared to be lengthy, tedious and complicated and some would even accuse them of “legalism” but definitely it worked for them. History tells us that they produced believers that are well rooted to the faith and to the Word of G-D. They became martyrs of old. They were able to endure severe persecutions and stood their ground in times of extreme trials of faith. The intensity of those practices did not only make them strong in the faith but developed camaraderie among local members of the congregation thus they don’t normally move from one congregation to another unless they have to move to a far away land due to persecution. They stick together till death. If we compare our practices to the old days and how easy it is for one to be baptized today, we can’t help but compare as well the quality of Christians we have nowadays with that of the early days. I just wonder how many Christians will stand and stick to the faith when the times of great trial comes. No wonder the Bible prophesied about the falling away of “so-called” believers but those who are deeply rooted will stand. We may not be able to do the intensive ceremony they used to have but at least we have to learn the fact that the early believers did not take lightly G-D`s commandments, something that we need to emulate. Light of Messiah Ministries International has done a historical first by the re-doing of a "First Century A.D." MIKVEH or "river Baptism", patterned after the "assembly" of Jewish-led "The Way," during the time of Christ - and were applied to Elders and New Members.
It is a literal translation of Matthew 28:18-20, as we read: And Yeshua {Jesus} came and said to them, “All authority w in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them (1ST IMMERSION) In the name of the Father {YHWH} and (2ND IMMERSION) Of the Son {YESHUA} and (3RD IMMERSION) Of the Holy Spirit {RUACH HA'QODESH}, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Note: 3 Immersions Researched and Biblically tested by Elder Bro. R. Dearborn-Sison of Light of Messiah Ministries Canada.. According to members, the experiences are "one for the books," - showers began as the baptism commenced and there was "thunder" in the distance, but non-threatening, "as if letting us (members) know how the LORD was happy..." In addition, One member- the night before the baptism, prayed before the Almighty and requested confirmation like rain, whether what she is doing is right and "shower" it did! August 14-17, 2015 Watch >>
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