By Richard Sison | 2015INTRODUCTION
We often read things in the Bible that we sometimes ignore or take for granted because either we are not interested about them or we don't understand or we think that its not for us so we try skip them and move on to easier and more relevant passages. When we start to read about the priestly duties and levitical regulation, we either read them through for the sake of reading or we ignore them all together. Many of us would even shrug off and would think that they are not for us anyway so there is no point of learning them. However, when we read new testament passages that relates to the future priests in the coming kingdom, we are quick to claim these as part of our new identity and inheritance but we never really understand what it takes to become a priest or a Levite and we have no idea about their duties and responsibilities. Many of us just want the title, rewards and the accolades but has no idea about the scope of work and the prerequisites of becoming one. Throughout the Tanakh, the term priest (kōhēn) is commonly used to identify to a person who was set apart from the rest of the community in order to carry out certain duties associated with worship and sacrifice. As "ministers of the L-RD” (Joel 1:9; 2:17), priests functioned also as mediators of G-D’s presence and were responsible for the day-to-day operation of the holy place, whether the Tabernacle, local shrines, or the Temple in Jerusalem. Watch the Message >>
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