By Jonah Doctura | 2017INTRODUCTION In the Scripture, the biblical act of immersing oneself in a natural water source is called T´vilah. In ancient times a stream or river was used, but in modern times a specially constructed pool called a Mikveh is normally used. As believers in the L-RD Yeshua, the term Baptism plays a significant part of our walk with our Messiah. How can the T´vilah and Mikveh of Judaism become important concepts in our lives today? "After our immersion for salvation, we feast publicly to confess that the body of Yeshua was broken and His blood shed for us to atone for our sins." -Bro. Jonah Doctura, Elder- 3 Types of Ritual Washing.
1. Complete Immersion, for married women and proselytes. 2. Washing of hands and feet, prescribed for the priests in the Temple. 3. Washing of the hands, before sitting down to a meal and before praying, upon rising from sleep and after the elimination of bodily wastes, also after being of proximity to a dead human body. Why do you go into a Mikveh? Before you go for a Mikveh, you should discern why you go into the water. It is an outward manifestation of an inward graft that´s happened in your life, a change in your life. That day it was to be for Repentance. Why was Yochanan immersing? John the Baptist was fulfilling the words of Isaiah the prophet: A voice of One calling in the desert, ´Prepare the Way of the L-RD, make straight paths for Him´. It was a Mikveh for something special and different. A Mikveh for Repentance. What is sin and why do we must repent? Sin is an act or deed against G-D and His Torah by failure, the breaking of a covenant with G-D or fellow man, being crooked by cheating, swindling, dishonesty or being a deceiver in general. T'shuvah: it is a call to return to G-D. Elohim will not pardon man unconditionally but waits for him to repent. In repentance, man must experience genuine remorse for the wrong he has committed (ceasing to do evil) and then convert his penitential energy into concrete acts (start doing what is good). After the Mikveh: The evident new birth. We must acknowledge our sins and second, repent and turn from our evil ways and deeds. After that, going through the Mikveh separates us from our past. Only then is new birth or rebirth evident by our deeds and actions. Begin to learn the Torah. Once a person has decided to commit his life to G-D, he needs to start a process of learning His law in order to remain in the presence of a Righteous G-D with righteous deeds. Watch the Message >>
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AuthorElders and Deacons of Light of Messiah Ministries Canada Archives
July 2019
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